Friday, January 11, 2008

Julia, j'ai cherché le vin chaud!

Found the elusive hot wine my french teacher was always talking about. Found it first in Germany, however. I recommend it.


Anonymous said...


Dont forget to try "all" things there besides beer and wine


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you today and get the correct blog site to see your progress. You have a very cool way of writing and it is easy to feel like I am there with you. Have the grandest time, Dad.

Anonymous said...

great pics. keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Hot wine?.... I don't know - I might have to try that - ready for a visitor?? I could come and help you draw again and you could pay me with hot wine ;)

Anonymous said...

Right on dude. I'm starting to think I need to get back to Europe this summer.

the 4 said...

was the wine called "glutenvine" in germany? i had it when i was there and its great on a real cold day...

Jarrod said...

@ Frank, yeah it's glusswein or something. Good stuff. I'm drinkink some more right now in Aix-les-Bains because it's cold and rainy... err... And because it's wine