Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm Home

Well, the trip has come to a close. It was pretty cool. Definitely the kind of trip that could be better with some friends or something, but it was such an experience to be there by myself just wandering around seeing what each place had to offer. It was great to see family in Germany, too. I'm taking today off from work to give me a three day weekend so I can re-adjust to the time zone and do some laundry.

Thanks everyone for reading this blog. I hope it was entertaining for you. I can remember entering my first post way back when I started taking french lessons. I guess I might make a few more posts as things wrap up and I have any reflections, etc. or maybe some general travel advice that I might remember. But I guess this about does it for "Somewhere in Europe '08". I'm sure there will be another blog someday about somewhere else '09 or '10, so stay tuned.

It is nice to be home.


Anonymous said...

welcome home, man. great read all around. sounds like a hell of an experience.

Anonymous said...

A life changing trip. Now you will want to go allthe time. I am glad you did not eat too much dairy!